
Abbott (T. K.)

  • d. 1913
  • (agents)
Abbott, T. K., and E. J. Gwynn, Catalogue of the Irish manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, Dublin: Hodges, Figgis & Co, 1921.
Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
Abbott, T. K., “On the history of the Irish Bible”, Hermathena 17:38 (1912): 29–50.
Abbott, T. K., “Collation of two Irish versions of the Book of Psalms”, Hermathena 15:34 (1908): 56–69.
Abbott, T. K., “On an inscribed sarcophagus at Penrice Castle,  South Wales”, Hermathena 14 (1907): 280–282.
Abbott, T. K., “On an early Latin-English-Basque dictionary”, Hermathena 14:32 (1906): 55–105.
Abbott, T. K., “Letters of Henry Bradshaw on Irish typography”, Hermathena 13:31 (1905): 515–524.
Abbott, T. K., Catalogue of fifteenth-century books in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin and in Marsh’s Library, Dublin, with a few from other collections, Dublin: Hodges, Figgis, 1905.
Internet Archive: <link>
Abbott, T. K., “Further notes on Coneys’ Irish-English dictionary”, Hermathena 13:31 (1905): 332–353.
Abbott, T. K., “Notes on Coneys’ Irish-English dictionary”, Hermathena 13:30 (1904): 15–25.
Abbott, T. K., Catalogue of the manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin; to which is added a list of the Fagel collection of maps in the same Library, Dublin: Hodges, Figgis, 1900.
Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
Abbott, T. K., “On the colophon of the Book of Durrow”, Hermathena 8:18 (1892): 199–202.
Abbott, T. K., “Note on the Book of Mulling”, Hermathena 8:17 (1891): 89–90.
Abbott, T. K. [ed.], Evangeliorum versio antehieronymiana ex codice Ussariano (Dublinensi): adjecta collatione codicis Usseriani alterius accedit versio vulgata sec. cod. Amiatinum cum varietate cod. Kenanensis (Book of Kells) et cod. Durmachensis (Book of Durrow), 2 vols, Dublin, London: Hodges, Figgis, Longman, 1884.
Internet Archive: <link>


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